Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving in Austin

Jenny, Peter and Anna arrived in Austin on Tuesday, November 22, and stayed at 360
until this morning, November 25 then headed back to Minnesota. Annabelle and I
stayed with Barri and John during that time. The weather cooperated for the whole
time, temps in the mid-70s until last night when it dropped to 50. We were able to
go for long walks along the lake. Thanksgiving dinner, prepared by John, Barri and
the kids was a real treat. Lot's of turkey and the trimmings in abundance. John certainly
has a knack for making a tasty turkey dinner. After we ate, the crowd took a fast stroll around
Isaac Pryor Drive, we all sat down for dessert, pecan, key lime and,of course, pumpkin pie.

I'm getting acquainted with the highways around Austin. When John and Joan come for
their visit in December, I should have the routes down pat. In the meantime, I know the
way to most of the essential destinations; Walmarts, Costco, and H.E.B. Whole Foods
is just a short walk from the Condo. Annabelle received her library card from the
main Austin library, also not too far distant from 360. I'm sure that Joan will want to
examine the Austin library in detail.

Today, I sent in our final payment to SunSafaris for ZAR 81,604. You'll have to check
the currency conversion calculator to find out the dollar amount.

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