Monday, February 20, 2012

The Vulgar Boatmen

Picture on left added
March 4, 2012

I haven't included a picture on this post but as soon as the two individuals, Aubrey and Walter,
get in range of my trusted iphone camera, I'll hang it up there on top. It supports the Title today, February 20, Presidents' Day, when school was at recess and the students were free to have a day's respite. Our grandkids, on the other hand, were recruited to clean Unit 1303 at the Condo. They dutifully did the job in a superb Bowie High School fashion and clearly
earned their pay. As for the Title, you may have heard the Song of the Volga Boatmen in
your travels through music land and if you did, then close your eyes to visualize both of
them toiling as you belt out the refrain, Aya Och Nem, Aya Och Nem.................................
If you're curious about this song, check the Internet for the version sung by the Red Army
Chorus. Duz Vidania, Comrades!

We received 2 visitors this past week. Pete drove up from Corpus Christi where he has
been helping Amber get settled in her new apartment. It was a 3hr+ drive and he only
stayed for lunch and a short walk. (see above) Darrell arrived on Wednesday and is staying
for 2 weeks near Pat's apt. Both of them joined us at the Violet Crown where the Oscar
winning movie "The Artist" was showing. I thought the performance was interesting but
occasionally difficult to get your mind around, however, the novelty of viewing a silent
type movie in this day and age probably made it a good candidate.

Darrell is leaving for home in NYC early tomorrow after a two week visit to Austin. It
was a nice visit and we were able to spend some quality time with him. Yesterday, Sunday,
John and Barri made a delicious BBQ at Isaac Pryor. Besides the Trapps, Darrell, Pat and
H&A, Melanie and her daughter, Adrienne, were there as well. I remember the days
when Adrienne and Aubrey were toddlers and now, both are beautiful young ladies all set
to challenge the future. Today, Darrell and Pat stopped at the Condo for a final Au Revoir.
As usual, we drifted in and out of memories about years passed; people and places he
recalls with animated expressions and gestures. Darrell has a remarkable talent for recalling events in years gone by, probably sharpened by his talent as a pianist, whose skill
in memorization of scores is essential. As he left, he wished us a nice cruise to England this
summer, winking as he referred to" our secret". I countered, that if he had tuned into Despicable Tours three months ago he would have been so informed, and all the wiser.

Just saw Hugo in 3D at the Violet Crown and thought it was very cleverly made. The story
was interesting although a little stretched out in time. Perhaps too much film devoted to
chases through the train station. The 3D and big screen made the story come alive and
the young actor playing Hugo was realistic. Annabelle and I thought he resembled
grandson, Walter, although Walter is better looking.

Getting ready for our cruise to the UK, we are heading to B.D. Riley on 6th street for their
fish and chips. We might even down a half pint of Guiness on draught to wash it down.
Austin is a mecca for all types of restaurants and many of them are within a mile or two of
360 Condominiums. This is a great convenience for us oldsters who are getting a bit

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