Sunday, May 20, 2012

Big Day in Texas

Aubrey deserves a mention in today's posting since she is taking one big step for woman and one small step for womankind.  However, it remains to be seen whether
or not she can keep her eye on the ball at the University of Texas and keep the
pace that she set at Bowie High School. Of course, I couldn't resist getting into the act with a picture of yours truly in the 1942 Colonial yearbook at Hempstead High just 70 years
back albeit a trifle fuzzy. Times have changed in dress codes.  In 1942, all the
boys were required to wear ties and jackets for their yearbook pictures.  I'm not
sure what Bowie will require, but I'd bet 4 to 1 that everything goes.  We'll have to wait and see.  My father was a stickler for proper dress and even required me to wear a shirt and tie during the regular school year.  Of course, the teaching staff had to be dressed properly, no jeans or way out clothes either
for males or females. The School Board at Mineola was also very restrictive in
dress and that was a mere 50 years ago when I joined the staff.  Perhaps it made
a difference in school deportment when everyone was dressed up rather than shod in sandals, shorts and unkempt hair.  We'll have to let the researchers work on that aspect of academic achievement. Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Mark (what's his name) didn't seem too fussy about proper dress and look at their accomplishments
but you might also add, they never made a great social or academic splash while
at school.

Big weekend for Amy and Casey plus all the Gravagne fans.  Steven and his wife, Liz, are staying with us for a few days for the wedding on Saturday.  This afternoon, we're attending a big before wedding BAR-B-QUE at the Romeros, Casey's
parents, in fact I hear Annabelle calling me to leave the computer and get going.
So, a fond farewell to all of my readers.

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