Monday, July 9, 2012

Three Days and Counting

The sailing is rather calm since the sea is slight, waves no higher than 2 feet.  Listened to a lecture on
spies in WW2.  The topic was interesting but the speaker was dull.  There was a heavy fog on our
way past Newfoundland and the ship's horn sounded every 15 minutes. Today we're guests for lunch
at The Todd English restaurant courtesy of our Diamond membership.

We've lost track of the Trapps, who are roaming all over the ship.  Aubrey and Walter are rooming
together and seem to be comfortable doing their thing.  We usually meet in the dining room for
breakfast and at dinner. Our cabin steward Jake, is efficient and pleasant.  Tonight, we're sailing
near the spot where the Titanic struck the iceberg 100 years ago in 1912.  No icebergs here in

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